wellness: my perspective

"What is wellness to me?" That's the question I had to answer for the final project of my intro to wellness course last fall. Almost instantly, a single word came to me as my response, loud and clear: GROWTH. What wellness means to me entirely revolves around the word "growth" and the holistic implications it holds. For my project, I created a digital presentation introducing my word, "growth", and explaining how it translates into the general concept of wellness. I've simply restructured and rounded it out a bit for this blog entry. Given I've only taken a couple of intro classes in my Health Promotion/Wellness major, this is mostly based on my ideas and independent research. My goal in sharing this is to help you understand the holistic concept of wellness a little more and become familiar with my viewpoint on it. Remember that this isn't the definition of wellness, including all 7 dimensions and such, instead, this is a breakdown of how ...