surviving quarantine academy

Surprise! Doing school from home is hard. At last, the secret is finally out to all my non-homeschooled peers. So many new challenges come with taking classes online, but the one I hear about most frequently is the loss of motivation and the slippery slope of disorganization that quickly follows. I get it! I feel your pain! As a Becker Homeschool and Rural Virtual Academy alumn, I have definitely had my fair share of struggles with independent learning and loss of motivation while doing school at home. Finally, after many years of trial and error, I've come up with a handful of tips for keeping my motivation flowing and staying on top of my workload. In this last month of online classes, I hope these tips prove useful and help you finish strong this semester. 1. MAKE LISTS Become a list maker! I cannot stress this enough. Whether it's writing down creative ideas, anxieties, or to-do's, as soon as your pen hits the paper, your busy brain is able to qui...