
The words written above didn't really mean much to me when they randomly popped into my head last night. I was trying to come up with a description for my "sad songs" playlist on Spotify when those words seemed to slip off my fingers onto the keys of my laptop. I reread what I had just typed. "Even the sky cries, darling. If it didn't, nothing could grow." I reread it again and thought to myself, where the heck did that come from? Also, what is that even saying, other than telling someone their tears are valid? Tonight, I took some more time to think about what those words meant and I came to this explanation (grab some popcorn and buckle up, 'cause it's a long one): Often when I experience something negative or painful, I feel numb to it...for a long time, sometimes even forever. I'm able to carry on with life as if it didn't happen, even though I know I should be hurting over it. Why then do I so desperately want to feel ...